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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  January 17, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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good evening, i'm jenniier g. gilbert. i'm... jeef barnd....// frighteningg.. moments....for a... 10-year-old boy.../ baltimore... county police... say... a... man....tried grabbing... the child... as... he
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school. keith daniels, where school officials have ht seet out a letter to alert and find the -3 ///////////////////////look -3 3
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a winter storm is rolling east tonight but ts &pmoved mostll south of marylan we ssnt karen parks out in search oofsnow in the fox45 mobile trak, and toniigt she's streamingglive from annnpolls. annapolis. so... so...., who.. ii getting the
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. let's go to chief look at what's happening now. a now. get the get the latest...
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updates... on your morning commute .... ptmorrow morning... with... the... fox45 morning news. governor martin o'malley's tuition at tate universittes. universities.if it's passed, three percenttmore er semester to attend would e the fourth straight year for the three percent increase.that means students at univvrssty of maryland, for instance, would spend nnextra 215 dollars per year.towson university... 170 dollars more. coppii state... 115 dolllrs. student: "it doesn't seem like that much to anybodyyelse, ut a difference. make or break a they can return to school, because theyymight not have it."martell gaynor, coppin state student: "try to make it a little bit easier for us to make the world a bbtter ppace, becauseethe harder you make it
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&pfor us to ppy tition, the it is to pay." pay." for the detaileedlist of proposeddtuition increases, go anne arundel county eeecutive pohn leopold has waived his right to a jury trial, meaning a judde will decide his guiltt or innocence. innocence.the decision comess sslection in his misconduct trial. leopold ii accused of mmsuing his police dettal for personal ggin.prosecutors say he used county olice offiiers asssecurity whileehe had sex with a countt employee inside a car. leopold has maintainee his innocence. opennng statements areeset for friday. pwners... of... piit ulls... are... upset...// since... aryland's highest court... declared... their dogs... dangerous .// john... rydell... says... .state lawmakers...are
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unveiliig... measures.../ overturnnigg.. that decision.../ and... protecting... all dog wners. (ggbby) "when the ruling first happened, we were flooded wiih pundreds of caals and we hhve aaandonment of pit bbll type dogs."aileen gabby...with mmryland's s.p.c.a. reacts... to that maryland court of appeals decisionn it declared thht all pit bulls...were pnnerently dangerous. a ruling....hat stems from a pase...innolving a towson boy...who was severely mauled by aapit bull. suudenly...landlor ultimatum....either get rid of their pit bulls...or move out. (gabby) "people are being forced to choose between their phich is very difficult." "it was really a terrible &psituation,,it was wwolly uneepected." delegate luiz simmons...calls the appeals court ruling bizarre.but he lawmakers...have unveiled legislation....that they believe...will resolve the problem..(simmons) "it really provides protectiins to both people, it abandons
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public heaaings... on... pit bull... measures... will... be... held ii... the coming... weeks. here's... our question f the dangeeous dog... singling out... pit bulls? bulls? this ooe is bullplit oo our facebook page poniggt. see if you agree are saying. search fox 45 on faaebook and look ffr our questionnof tte day. two police cars were involved in an east baltimore c. crash. one of the crusisers ppparently hit thh otter one senddnggittinto the side of
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this building. it happened street just ovvrrfouu hours t ago. you can see the damage to both cruisers and that were left behind on the the ccndition of the two rd on ooficers involved or hoo thee a state trooper is in serious but stable condition tonight pfter an accident in howard happennd aaound 4-30 near route 32.investigators patthew telep veered onto the hht a ttee.hh ended up trappedd being airrifted to shock efore - trauma. (19:41) wwehave had wiiness pall the barrrck ho saw this believe the trooper was cut off by another vehicle we will continue to follow up on that the crash... crash... anyone ith informatton is asked to call maryllnd state police at 410-799-2101. 3 &p3 in ... ust... two
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days,.../ the... pavens... will.... aaeeoo the patriots.... for... superbowl..... to the ssperbowl- morgan dsit is alkiig wwth the team aa they get ready for ray rice calls his team... a ttaa of destiny..the way this ssason played out....he full circle of thhs year's a-f-c have to destiny.before this season - even started...before the team's first training camp potivation for this season is - loss at this veey time... in the a-f-c championssip at new england.ii wasn'' for anything the patriots did...two key pissed plays by the ravens.. now... and in back to back a-f-c iile game appearances... the ravens find themselves with a sscood chance. 3"that's the irony of sports.. every team comessii every year do it??cannwe do it?' and for us, we've had glimppes f a fiild goallmmssed, a fumble here, a dropped catch, whaaeverrit is. and now, we have that opportunity again. i think youu knd of a& ray me all day, but i've just een pn this calm state because att the end of the day, nothing matters unless we'rr going to win in new nnland this &pweekend." how the ravens feel now about r
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pooer ballad... courtesy, no &pother... errell suggs..ater in ports unlimited. 3 the... city of baltimore... is... radiating... puuple pri/ finest are getting in on the ac. downtown baltimore to tell us about thh video...that has eeerybody from the coomissioner to detectives ssowing their support for thhe ravens.janice? janice?we are right in frrntt of purple...the entire city is getting pumped up for this playoff game against the
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baltimore poliie officer...they may just be one of the 3 ravenn!""ahhh, ahhh let's go ravens!" when it comes to hose stepped up paarols...they will focus nn
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federal hiil, fellsspoint and canton. there will also be in downtown affic as baltimooe, jp fox45 news at ten. 3 3 fox45 news ....ill have continuing coverage... of the... a-ffc championship game. reports from foxbbro starrtng &pfridayyrrght herr n on foxx5 morning news.. fox44 news at p33veeand fox45 news at ten. ann even though new england is even hoors away.... you can still trash taak thhse patriots faas.weereein a &ptwitter war ith our sister ptation in new england. game and use thh hashh ag "patriots beat down". you ccn see what other raaens fans are saying... and what patriots fans are saying foxbaltimooe dot com. click on "ray'sslast ride". 3 watcc invessigation leaas to action. the couut decision phat shut down a billion
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dollar bltimore deeelopment. thh confession hits the air.. the fallouu from the armstrongginterview and how it's impactiig local a snow bank lmost kills a firefighter. the amazing save as this hugg chunk of ice slams into a pireeighterrs headd
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ontroversial.... project... is... a... ciicuit court... judge... ruled... the... state contract... violated... the law....///. melinda... . roeder.... investtgated... the story..../ for... more than... a... yearr../// she.... explains... why... the...judgee.. seeing ffrst on fox...///in... 3 fox. meliida: the construction along preeton strret in north baltimore. but that's not alll....--- takk vo ---the deal alss allowed the housing on lnd currently l
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owned by stateetaxpayerr. he entire project would've been worth one and a hhlf billion dollars....heavily subsidized by taxpayers. but a group of downtown business owners... sued the state... claiming the deal was doneein seccet... and in violatioo of procurement laws. because it was never put out for competttive bids. instead... a fox 45 investigation reveaaed the deal was given to evelopers &ppho are supporters of governo o'malley... or have othhr political ties.we aso uncovered some big taa breaks ffr the roject.but tonighh - a curcuit ourt udge ruled the master plan... and tte ground lases... should've been subject to bidding. her decision effectively voids the we... tried... calling... the tried... we... ww...
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tried... calling... the comment...// a... spokesman ...told us... &p the... state's... reviewiig its options...// for... theecomplexx..// olympics offfccls have his 000 olympics bronze medal. medal..he i-o-c discuued revoking the medaa in december on charres of doping but delayeddthe disgraccd 7- time ttur de france winner has admiied to uuing performance enhancing drug in an interview tonight. bbt as kathleen cairns disgraced cycling tar has
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caacer is not being erased. 3 on thh 3rd floor: (abby)"i take a lot of phooe alls helping people when they are firss diagnosed..."abby helps people iagnosed with cancee... she works for the ulman cancer fund... for young's a battle she's 3 45 news at 10 3
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doug ulman, who bbgan the ulman funddin 1997, is now the president of 'livestrongg. 3 police... are... trying to... track down ... the man... who... killed southwesttbbltimore. baltimore. t... happennd... niggt.... neaa... 38 pundred.... old... the... 19 year old times... in... the shock trauma...///. pooice... are... still looking... for the shoooer../// after years of planning..... the state has ditched he idea tt buuid a new jail... in baltimore was supposed to be a facility for young criminals charged with adults. p tonight,... crime nd justice reporter joy leeola explains.../ where those young offendersswill eed up now. now. ((pkg)) it's behind this razorrwire .... where you can find baltimore's most troublld yyuthh(concerned mother) 17:50:10 i hope it helps i situaaton in there teens chhrged as adults ... wwth no wwere lse tt go. (concerned mother) 17:48:34 it's some place whereei really feel terrible my son beingannette
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collins son is 25 years old. he's been locked up at the detention center ffr about a month. (concerned mmther) an annmal in a situation like ttht none the less a juvenile...(joy))7:51:28 as it stands now yoong offenders charged as an adult are housed here at the detention center. and one thing everyone can agree oo is that the (shorten??//sec djs/abed) re 17:34:13 we have to improve those conditions leaving youth in those conditions are simply not our priority we have to change that circumstance for phose kids :23 for years, thee state planned to build a jail in the city for young offenders charged as an adult. but that ppan hhs now be scraped. opposition that resulted in protests and arrests.(shorten if 17:18:06 is another xample off what can happen when reasonable minds put their heads together to nstead, the state plans o renovate a pmaller existing facility bed tteatment (maynard) f a 60 17:32::6 treaament space in bbltimore city orryouth in baltimore cityylan may have little affect oo anneete's son... sheehasnnt lost bee different for young offenders who end up in trouble with the 3 the state still needs to
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identify wherr the treatment center ill be buult. a... fire rrscue... takes aadangerous turn.../ pnd... its take... a... russia../. dee....fromm pirefighterss.. were trying... to reach people... trapped by a fire... on the fourth floor...///. just... as... thh... firefighter... climbb &pwindow.../ where... people... are waiting &pbe rescued... / a... huge chunk... of snow... falls... uge chunk... of snow... fallss.. from thh
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roof... sending the downn..///.. he... hung... onto... the ladder.../ p as... a... fellow fiiefighter... rushed to help the snow missed us.... news ...for driiers today. today. let's go to vytas for a look aa the end of the week. week. 3& meet the turban-ator.
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we'll talk with theemmryland making him a hht. the control debate shiftt tt congrees. the cass the obama administration is makingg foo banning certain guns and how opponentssare using the 2nd ammndment to try and stop thee. 33
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we're continuing our discussion of unncoottoo ii tonighh'' cover story. a neww wall street journnl poll found want stricterrfirearms laws over the past two decades. with neealy 40 percent of ....- americans having a ositive view.... up tennpercent in the same timeframe. after 22 executive orders for ew gun rules from the president, tte focus is moving tt ccngress. congress. ed henry... breaks down... he proposaas.../ and... talks with... exxerts... &pan ssault weapons an.../
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has... any... chance f . passing. 3 3 &p fox news."white house ed henry, fox news."
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in... the... gun control... debate,.../ a... lot of debate... comes... down.... to... magazine size...///. smaller... magazines... &preloads..././//. the... president... wants... anythhng largee ...than... ten by... congress...///. the.... assault weapons... being discussed... are... handguns,.../// one... round... fires... every time... you pull... the triiger, ...// gun... expertss.. lot... of... bad... assummtionss..// on... both sides... of the ... debate. 106 most eopel are thinking that ii's the same thingoc: 3&in eesence,... truu... miliiary weapons... are... already ....// all... banned... to... the public.3 a voice for idol and an
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iconic headpiecc.we talk with turban-ator. man known as he - nee at ten thirty, someone the poot office is trying to fight bbck and catch thh thief. 3 3 i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes.
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[ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet, you get it -- the difference 100% fiber optics makes. but don't take our word for it.
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ask a real fios customer. ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me about the upload speeds -- they're sick! [ male announcer ] so go online and send a tweet to a real fios customer. because once you've got it, you get it. and now there's never been a better time to get it. [ female announcer ] switch to fios internet, tv and phone for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for 2 years with a 2-year agreement. act now and you get $300 back. fios brings you internet ranked the fastest in the nation and unbeatable picture quality. it's 100% fiber optic, 100% different from cable. switch to fios for an incredible price online, just $89.99 a month guaranteed for 2 years with a 2-year agreement, and don't forget your special bonus, $300 back. or, get this great price with no annual contract. go to today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. and see why millions have switched to america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet -- verizon fios.
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and see why millions have switched to america's fastest, new at 10:30, feaa and ffustration tonight from a &phoward county homeowwerrwho's her mailbox..... the of of dollars. aaddas jeff ds abell shows us, its prompting a waaniig from police. policee (garbage truck) along wake forest road in &pclarksville....... life used to beesimple.... psually pretty quiee...." - (quick dog barking nats) - its been simply disturbing...... (1:46:11) "uh, its pretty benedek is learnnng just how y &pvaluable hee 'mail' can be.... (1:44:05) "i had put a hundred dollar checc in the mail for a friend of mine and putta little red lag up......" (1:44:12) "and at 5 o'ccock hat evening i got a phone call from a woman at the bank of ameriia who said there's a gentlemannwantinggto cash a 9-hundred dollar check and asked if i hhd written a
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check forr99hundred doolarr anddi said i had not." thieves had swiped the check right out of her mailbox.... attempted to cash it. (1:45:55) "well they changed to a nine and i think they crossed everyying else out. he wrote in dark pen over the (1:56:46) (abell) ""er mmilbox isn't the only one peven separate been hit by , - for those policeesay longer be the safest pllce. (1:28:55) (llewellyn) "if online then thats you don't feel comfortable doing that, we the post office or uue one of the big blue mailboxes in your for pat the ail goes in.....the flag stayss (1:46:18) "iijust feel like we need to these days.....the iist class mail ii the class of thieves. jeff bell, fox 45, news at ten. 3 45, news at ten. 3
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reporting a string of similar so far,,nn arrests in either countt. o'malley... includds... 1.5- - million dollars.... to... fund... environmental impact.... studies../. fracking...// drilling... for... naturrl gas.../// gas...///environmentalists... were... in... last week.../ urging... fracking...////. clliming... it's... damaging... wells...//. the ... mmratorium... on... frackiig../ the study is cooplete. 3 in hrre dayy, the president will be sworn in for a second t. term. one--oint-eight million people were on hand for the president's first ceremony seen here in 2008. 20088 by the numbers, this willlbe the 57th presidential inauguration. thh president will actually be the presiient will actually be sworn in on sunday. then hold
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a public ccremony n mmnday. thissis only the seventh time innhisttry ttat the 200h has fallen on aasunday durinn an innugural yeaa. the supreme court mandated the two 1821.onies when a sunday witt hundreds of thousanns of peopll expected to attend president obama's second experts are bracing for the flu. flu. health workers say people will be close togetherr..touching the same essalator handrrals....which they fear...if you're ot cautious.... could spread the flu even more. "we know that it comes every year, every fall, every flu is coming. aad we're prepared for it." it.. p emergency rooms in the area are bringiig in extra wookkrrsnext wwek when the inaugurrtion takes place. we're... making progresss.. in the fight... againsttcancee. cancer. the... americcn cancer society... says... cancer deethh... percent... ooer the last tww &pdecadess.../// that... means... deathss... were avoided.... thankss.. to... ew...
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treatments...//. stilll../ there .. will... ástilll... be.... more than... half a mmllion americans... who... die... from cancer... this year alone. what's a weatherman to do... when his cooputeersystem crashe? crashes?:06 "this is exactly planner..n oklahomaa.. one a piece of paper...///. . and - andrew... kozak... was preparing... for his morning show... / when... his computer... bllaked-out...//. so... he improvised.... / p drawing ... the ay's ...weatthr ggaphics.../ even down the... 8-day &pforecast../.. kozak... &pevve... drew pictures... of how he áfeltá.../ when... his computer ...went down.. 3 3
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3 a national hhax that makee very little sense.the story of the notre dame inebacker..... and his imaginary dead sot randy: waht o they nickname you dude? ttey call me turbinatoo. ohh.. turbinatoo. turbinator.. he's aa maryland hh'' a maryland american idol. the origii of t- is nickname anddwwy he thinks he'll win it all whhn we talk with the turban-ator, next. an investigation 3
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a... neww list... of... college rankings... is oot....// but... it's... an &punusual list...// the... dating... website... seeking arrangement dot com"... eleased... a list of colleges... with the most... female students... llokingg or... "sugar daddiis"...///. youug girls... tuition...///. to ggorgia state...
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list...///. hile... no ...maryland schools... made the top &p20..././ the ... university of maryland... ádddá... show a huge spike... with double he number oof tudents ... signing up lasttyear .../ than... the year before. a maryland man is on his way &pgoldee ticket duurng his - american iiol auditiin last night.but before he heads off to the bright lights in dold today. he stopped by our today. & 3
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3 ray ewis gets at least ooe more ray riie says lewis' retirement is affecting a fake girlfrienddis headlines. the bizarre caae of how a notre dame linebacker was tricked into thhnking he had a girlfriend who dded of cancer.
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3every team needs motivation... sometimes the desire to win, isn't enough.that's why ray lewis annnuccing this woold be &ppis finnl ride....ame at the right time for the raaens. turned a team that into one of he hottest ttams &pin the playoffs..after no one gave the ravens any creeit too beat the broncos last week... it's now a team that the pattiots should be worried championship.especially how laat year ended... and the fact this team wants to send their generrl out a super bowl champ. 3"this is ray lewis' last hooray. you are looking at their coaches, thhy are coming bacc nexx year. our geneeal, our captaii - this is it forr him. if you want to calllit emotions, everything, of somethiig thht is going to be a last. every timm someene in
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the playoffs a the colts, coach [chuckk pagano, weelove is cooing baak to play next yearr ray lewis is not. thaa's what he sii. he made that decision inaa. i thinkkwe ride it. but, we are give it our best shot for oor guy.. buck showalter gets a contract extensioo...and oor high school game of the eek 11-30 on the late edition... a... bizarre... ssory ...// as... a... top college football playee... &pvictim of a hhax. &phoax. "i cried, i yelled. iinever felt that way before. this is six hhurs ago, i just found out thht my grandma paased away. you take, you know, the love of my life."
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girlfriend wasn't real. manti notre dame. he finished second in the voting for thee heisman trophy and ii expectedd to play in the nfl. after talking all season about the loss of hhs girlfriend to cancer, a woman he now admits he never met in person, peopll are skeptical he was thaa &pnaave. but tonight his university is defending theii star player saying he was a viicim who haa nothing to doo with the nationalldeception. 3 "the thing i am most sad of, ssd abouttis,,sorryy-that the single most trusting human same way in his life."" ttere's no word on exactly who was behind the prank. te'o says he found out when
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his supposedly dead girlfriend tiny fishing boatt &pin the crosshairs of nature's encounter ith a great white running ffr land. ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the late edition... p school bus drrver in texas. p school bushy his vehicle ende motel swimming ppol.. 3 and big medical mistakes. the shocking things left inside a &ppatient after ssrgeryy 3
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can 3it's once in a lifetime
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encounter moot ould live wiiho. aussralian... fishhrmmn... got... too... close nd personal.... ith a... great wwitt s. sharkk..///."oh my god yeah that was close. can we starr the engine anddjust havv that r. running." a couple of locals were out when they lured this gigantic packing it in... the men sat for forty minutes while it h circled heir boat. "it shows we can


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